huh~Another a boring holiday... woke up at 10a.m.ate two slices of bread,two egg tarts and a cup of milo.
Haiz~reali nothing to do~but i wont go other ppl blogs n spam like somebody...irresponsible,childish,rude,retarded.Remember a plate dat hang outside classes, state:A bully is always a coward.So duno how many cowards there attacking ppl, too scared to use theirs own names.Maybe they ashamed of the names given.hahaXD.wakaka~
2day Yin,liyen,megan,yiting go 1u watch twilight.leaving guys behind~By the way Yan Yi is planning another day for out.he oso,like me,die of boredom d.hehe.but jeff keep saying he will be absent,n mentioning his guitar's stuff like duno wat replacement.i think he failed to call up the teacher.hehe~jeffrey, Yan Yi and me planning to have a three musketeez gathering~i think is at Yan Yi's house.XD~Remember to take ur medicine and take more rest.<3 you.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Today is Thursday
Posted by when Lolipop v.s Frostjoker at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
hey~i m now posting lo.Recently everyone says me doesnt post.
erm~nothing much happen.2molo my sister will travel wif school.den i juz stay at home study n tidy the house.
Can you buy a reload card as soon as possible dear?so i can sms u.recently not much events.juz snaping photos wif the camera dat juz bought.Canon PowerShot SX 110 half i m trying to learn how to snap photos wif dat,hehe.I will still in PJ until after Christmas,if wan come out 2gether please contact Yiting.XD~i think she is in charge.
so~hope i have a happy you.
Posted by when Lolipop v.s Frostjoker at 11:24 PM 0 comments
suddenly hate holiday...
but is too long....
i wana c him....
without him i cant survive.....
*matt,post something la...boring nia!!!!
Posted by when Lolipop v.s Frostjoker at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Back From Penang
BOoOo~juz back from penang yesterday...nt a long journey compare to JB to Penang.haha~n i used to travel so far d.sitting in the car~admire those scenes...thinking when will arrive...missing you...
dat time u were in cant chat wif you...very boring.haha~den we went to eat chicken rice in Ipoh.after dat,i juz admire the scenes around...scared cant see nex time d...maybe my life dat travel from others towns to hometown will come to an end.i will stay in KL until after Christmas.nex year,honestly duno got chances to come back here or not,coz my house here my parents rent from the owner,n the contract valid til nex march.n i have no relatives in PJ,got 1 in my mum wont visit here again juz for shopping n let me meeting my frens.but i wil try to ask her drop me at here,so dat we can have a gathering.XD~i reali miss you,n you all.
haiz~my holidays wil juz study,study n you guys pls 'save' me out by asking me out!thanks~haha~my mum says i got bad results,so as a reward i muz study 24hrs 'onli' i study hard to earn some times to on9 wif dear Yin.n you pls dun oways injured urself la~careful a bit kay?dun make me worry abt u dear,n dun worry abt me.hehe~love you <3
Posted by when Lolipop v.s Frostjoker at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Love That Will Last
I want a little something more
Don't want the middle or the one before
I don't desire a complicated past
I want a love that will last
Say that you love
Say im the one
Don't kiss and hug me and then try to run
I don't do drama
My tears don't fall fast
I want a love that will last
I don't want a just a memory
Gives me forever
Don't even think about saying good-bye
Cuz i want just one love to be enough
And remain in my heart till i die
So call me romantic
Oh i guess that must be so
Theres something more that you oughta know
I'll never leave you
So don't even ask
I want a love that will last
I want a love that will last
So theres little more that i need
I wanna share all the air you breathe
I'm not the kinda girl to complicate the past
I want a love that will last Forever
I want a love the love that last Always
I just want a love that will last
Want a love that will last
-Renee Olstead-
Posted by when Lolipop v.s Frostjoker at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
We have not enough time!!!!!!???!!?!
It's not the fault of student ifhe/she fails because the year ONLYhas 365 days...typical academic year for a student:
1. Sundays - 52 Sundays in a year, you know Sundays are for rest.
Days left 313.
2. Summer holidays - 50 where weather is very hot and difficult to study.
Days left 263.
3. 8 hours daily sleep - 130 days GONE.
Days left 141.
4. 1 hour for daily playing- (good for health) means 15 days.
Days left 126.
5. 2 hours daily for food & other delicacies (chewing properly & swallowing) - means 30 days. Days left 96.
6. 1 hour for talking (man is a social animal) - means 15 days.
Days left 81
.7. Exam days - per year at least 35 days.
Days left 46.
8. Quarterly, half yearly and festival (holidays) - 40 days.
Days left 6.
9. For sickness - at least 3 days.
Days left 3.
10. Movies and functions- at least 2 days.
1 day left.
11. That 1 day is your birthday.
How can you study on that day ?!?!?!?!?!
Balance = 0' How can a student pass ?????'
Posted by when Lolipop v.s Frostjoker at 11:14 PM 0 comments
matt belanja us makan lunch in delifrance.......jeff accidentally ate me n li yen's food so we eat jeff's chicken baked rice.the chicken is quite hard to swallow!!!!!!but is still nice.
It is a nice day today...i will never forget.hope matt wont too!!!=p
U will never walk alone. so do i. since i love u, u live in my heart. u love me,i'll live in ur heart. no fake promises...but juz love each other n be wit each other no matter wat happen.thx 4 the goodbye kiss n ur frosted hand in the cinema...although is cold but it makes me warm...
Posted by when Lolipop v.s Frostjoker at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Farewell Day
well~2day i went to BU4 to do something related to transfering skul...i arrived there by 10a.m. Pn Hazura sat in a corner and was using computer...i never spotted it at 1st~den I ask others teacher where is Pn Hazura~den i decided to call her mobile phone.I called Jeffrey n Cik Chong...oso called Yin n Yan yi but failed.then i asked from Cik Rozihan.
Pn Hazura was doing the results thing dat time... she asked me to i waited for 1 n haf hr~11.15AM i still never got my result~Jeffrey asking me where r me i got the latest result~i got 9th...Yan Yi got 19th...jeff got 29th(becoz we r three musketeers,i think number 9 can be our lucky number XD)Yin got 25th...Wenqi got 5th...Yiting got 12th...sorry for liyen~cant see urs.
den i arrived at 1U at 12pm.dat time they r playing bowling,sorry for bringing bad news!!!!den we went to watch the Coffin~u better dun lie in the coffin...dats the moral value i got.she can even feel me trembling when holding my hands.the GSC damn cold,til my sweat on my hand frozen.
den we go eat food(i think so).we walk n walk n walk~laugh n laugh n laugh...Jeff n Yan yi bought a metal pick...thanks ya~gud present...small enuff to bring wif me.den Jeff n Yan yi went back le.haiz~soo yeng n siew jun were like very talk much.den we abt to leave...i told my dad to pick me up at 5pm,he came at 6pm.thanks for wenqi for giving me the book of my story(how cm nid u to tell me abt my stories?haha),liyen the CJ7,Yiting the fan,Pika the cushion,Yin the letter n card,and all of u hu sign the shirt.the shirt reali nice~before leave...we say gudbye to each other,like very happy,n kiss goodbye to her...~hope we can meet again.den i straight away to Penang.
~dun attack her la~
Posted by when Lolipop v.s Frostjoker at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Today!!!(ver 2.0)
hey hey hey~Yin,y u post so detail wor?crime investigation ar??I noe u did the poll in order to vote out Liyen~naughty girl~
Kay,at 1st i dun wan go yuk chai,coz i think dat the ceremony will be damn boring.But my mum woke me up,actually is shake me choice...
1st i went do the transfer skul stuff...we requested some stuff abt the transfer form,the clerk dunwan change a new wan,he juz crossed out the wrong wan...den my mum scared the form cant pass throught the JPN...asked to meet Pn Soh,same thing happen.So my mum juz hope the JPN will recognised the form.Now hardly enter chung ling butterworth d.50-50~Yin hopes the transfer fail(n my frens here i think)...but my frens in Penang n the headmaster of clb pray for pass~
den I met Pn Hazura,again.I asked her to return me Peka n all stuff~she said not ready yet,still lack KH projek.den we set off to Yuk Chai.and u can noe the story happen from below.Maybe nex week i won go back to penang 1st...thanks for the farewell~my mum need to go earlier.she will be going on saturday midnite.At home~i got scolded again~coz i forgot to ask the result from Pn Hazura.-.-' the result nid for transfering dat is another prob...My mum decided to do for my sister 1st.I nid to wait for a while.
ohya~maybe some of u still duno dis blog created by emo queen n frostjoker yet...for ur infomation,i add dis link in the 3 musketeer blog around noon.but 23 visitors seem no one spotted it!wakaka~wahahaha
Posted by when Lolipop v.s Frostjoker at 11:57 PM 0 comments
today is yuk chai's standard 6 students' graduation day. I went to sch because of my cousin bro n to look 4 my teacher. As Matt's sister who is standard 6 n got 7 A's in UPSR was in my sch, expectedly matt was there too...
So, me n Matt berjalan-jalan around my sch. During this ceremony, Matt's parents sat at the 6 n 7 chair counted from the second line of the chairs from the right.(sorry!!!is complicated...) Matt act so coward because he scard his parents saw him wit me...He keep on hiding...hiding.....then, we saw soo yin n jing yi. We were shock when we met each other. HAHAHA=P After tht, we continued our perjalanan.............
I were playing wit Matt's phone while his mom-A.Chin sms him wit:' Pls come back.' last, his parents still spotted him. Sadcase matt!!!!!!
I feel so sad today.because after jing yi left, me, matt n soo yin juz hang around the sch. Actually i should leave earlier so tht i wun be a light bulb....Haihz...sigh...i feel so bad~(i need to blah dis out although i noe i'll be kill by Matt!!!! sorry lo)
Anyway,this morning was a nice day.Sky is blue, matahari so terik..........hehe~
There still left 1 hour n 45 minute to the next day. Time passes so fast...Few more weeks or maybe few more days, matthew will be leaving. very she bu de...but cant do anything!!!!!sigh~
Posted by when Lolipop v.s Frostjoker at 10:25 PM 0 comments
How the story begins (ver 2.0)
me n yi ting notice him in our sch n in 2 matahari is on monday or mayb tuesday(i remember is after pjk) As a pengawas koperasi, i help him to buy koko card n stuff. besides tht nothing else.....
I hate him quite a lot at 1st...he is from pulau pinang - some very famous sch la n his chinese damn pro.the first term of exam i got 79 because of him. wat's his result i forget liao. At tht time, i hate him a lot a lot a lot. but everything change when something happen.......................................
eh,matt, i m not a emo queen or watever ok?? i dun emo always la is juz you everytime see the emo side of me!!!!! too bad la.
Anyway, now we r best fren .very very best fren!!!!! =p
although jeffrey said he is my maid , yan yi say he is my pet......
BUT, we r very very best n close friend~
yin2 =p
Posted by when Lolipop v.s Frostjoker at 12:10 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
How the story begin
Halo all~first again of coz all started when the day I stepped foot in BU4...
As u noe I sat with Keng Han(what a sadcase)...den i started to scan the class...found Jeffrey handsome face~Yan Yi leng zhai face of coz~Some faces looked familiar...reali~like Jeff,Yan Yi,n Yin's...i wonder i saw somewhere... I could remember,I started knowing some frens...1st wan is Kadri,2nd Keng Han,3rd Yan Yi,Jeffrey,Wei Yang...den i campur in the gang...
I truly noe her when(if no mistaken) around May...saw she was emo-ing(as she usually does),soon I found out emo is a part of her life (said dis I m gonna get scolded),den we become frens.gud frens... ... ...
den from her I noe their whole gang...den duno how Liyen become my daughter,wenqi becm my sister,Yiting become our maid,Yan Yi becm my aprrentis... ... a bit complicated ya~
I think dats all I can say, something happen in the middle is private n confidential...haha~XD
And so on the story begins... ... ... ...
Posted by when Lolipop v.s Frostjoker at 11:48 PM 0 comments